Friday 12 October 2012

Am I a bad person?

OK so I have been thinking for a while what to write about when tonight something strange happened while I was running PUG Lost Island with a guild friend. I was tanking Jedi Guardian and the guild member was healing, both well geared(multiple BH pieces and main hand weapons with a 146 rating) We got past the first main boss quite leisurely but when we got to the Sav-Rak and started to struggle.

After a few wipes and instructing one of the DPS what the tactics were, it became clear that we were not doing enough damage. For the first time ever I started inspecting the other players gear, I have done this before but only when I liked the ascetics of something cool someone is wearing. I then began to investigate the damage that my PUG's could do and started to want them to leave as I decided that they did not have good enough gear. Does this make me a bad person? I am not sure, I know that until recently its always been me that needed help and confidence in the groups I have joined so should I be concerned? I know that there was no way that we would do it when the boss is enraging at %40 it was very tiresome but losing the progress in the instance was not an option for me as the BH commendations from Rakghoul Conflict weekly was what I was after.

So do I need a chill pill? And is this a slippery slop to the elitism that apparently happens in WOW?

Bye for now and May the force be with you.

Thursday 20 September 2012

First Post

Well this is my first post. I have never blogged before and am not a perticulerly interesting writer. But here goes. SWTOR has been the main game I have played scince it was released at the end of last year, in this time I have taken a 2 month break when my daughter was born, she is 3 months now and going strong.

I have dabbled in other MMO's but never to the level that I have played SWTOR. When the game was released I had pre joined a guild that was perfect for me, they were interested in making progress raiding but were primarily out to have fun. My main character is a Jedi Guardian Tank and for me I am still not over confident in my raiding abilitys. Unfortunately almost everyone in the guild disappeared when I took my 2 month hiatus. I only see 3 people online semi regularly now. What this has done is converted my play style from the guy who wants to do flash points with people he knows to the guy who enjoys pvp'ing and I even did my first PUG today.

Any way that's a brief introduction, but in need you ideas, what do you want me to write about?